Oxford’s President of Sales, Geoff Heyl, will be in the Hackensack, NJ area for a limited engagement on November 3, 2016! If you have clients or advisors in the area who would like to meet... read more
Feds target big bank commodity lines
The Feds have a proposed rule that could drive banks out of the business of owning, trading, or moving commodities such as oil and aluminum by making the lines too expensive. The proposal was designed... read more...
E-Cigarette maker files for bankruptcy
NJoy, one of the biggest manufacturers of e-cigarettes, filed for bankruptcy on September 16th. They have $234.4 million of debt that they can’t pay. Several high-powered investors have been affected by the loss. Click here... read more
Chipotle faces class action lawsuit for unpaid hours
Chiptole has had a lawsuit brought up from an employee that alleges in 2013 that Chipotle required her to work unpaid hours and now it has turned into a class action lawsuit involving nearly 10,000... read more...
Theranos appealing revoking of license
Theranos is appealing the regulatory sanctions that resulted in the revoking of the company’s license to operate the California-based blood testing business. Click here for the full story This is a great example of an... read more
The Rise in Minimum Wage and How it Affects the Car Wash Industry
Automation is being called a ‘no-brainer’ when it comes to the hike in minimum wage. Car wash owners have done cost-benefit analysis’ that shows that the hike in cost would increase washes from $7 in... read more
Apple urges owners to update software to guard against new spyware
Apple has issued an urgent update to iPhone users after newly revealed spyware is shown to be able to infiltrate iPhones; apparently turning them into surveillance devices. The spyware can track movements, log message and... read more...
Philadelphia passes a soda tax
Philadelphia has become the second city in the United States to approve a soda tax. Click here for the full story This is a great example of an enterprise risk. Please contact us at Contact@OxfordRMG.com ... read more