Organic Farming Rules Overhauled

Organic farmers will face stricter rules by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s proposed regulations that will set requirements for animals space and rearing practices. Click here for the full story This is a great example... read more

Catholic Tombstone Sales and Crony Regulation

A lawsuit filed by the Monument Builders Association of New Jersey argued that the Catholic church’s entrance into the industry was unfair.  The church filed a countersuit stating that the law was unconstitutional and interferes... read more...

Google Bans ‘Bad’ Loan Ads

Google is banning ads from companies that offer high-interest-rate payday loans. Click here for the full story This is a great example of an enterprise risk. Please contact us at or 410-472-6490 to speak... read more

In Observance of Memorial Day

  Memorial Day is an important day in America. It’s a day to give thanks, to pay tribute and to remember those who gave their lives to protect our country. Oxford Risk Management Group would... read more