Oxford welcomes 2022 with some recent news we are certain our readers will be interested to hear. In 2020, a client of Oxford filed an insurance claim, asserting that an executive order issued in response... read more
Oxford is Rated for the 2nd Year!
What Does it Mean to You? We have successfully completed a second review for the AM Best rating, and we are proud to announce we’ve maintained our A Excellent Rating. Upholding this rating is a... read more
Food-Delivery Companies Suing New York City
New York City passed a law last year, putting a cap on commissions food-delivery companies can charge restaurants for their services, thus helping restaurants stay afloat during the pandemic. Recent legislation has made the law... read more...
Protect Your Company from Cyber Attacks
In light of current events, we are reminded once again of the importance of ensuring business owners have the right cyber coverage. Coverages for breach of data, computer system failure, and contingent business interruption are... read more...
Advocating for Captive Insurance
April 16, 2021 – SIIA Advocates Balanced IRS Approach to Captive Insurance, U.S. Business Needs. The IRS recently issued IR 2021-82, in which it urges participants in abusive micro-captives to exit such structures. The announcement... read more...
Baltimore Nonprofit Takes a Reputational Punch
“Reputational damage takes little time to occur, but it takes a long time to regain your reputation” Second Chance’s CEO states. We couldn’t have said it any better ourselves. Baltimore’s nonprofit Second Chance, now-dismissed lawsuit... read more...
Breaking News!
Oxford continues to maintain their Best-in-Class approach, achieving another win in the enterprise risk management industry! As of June 16th, 2020, AM Best has assigned Oxford Insurance Companies (Oxford), a Financial Strength Rating of A... read more
News Alert – IRS Letter on “Micro-Captives”
On March 23, 2020 Captive owners began receiving IRS Letter – “Micro-Captive Insurance”. The mass-produced form letter is a non-event, as it merely reminds everyone that premiums paid to captive programs similar to those in... read more...