The decision to form a captive insurance company should closely resemble the prudent decision making process for the establishment of any new business enterprise. The Oxford Risk Management team will work with your financial and legal advisors to help determine the essential elements critical to appropriate business and investment plan design, formation and ongoing management of your captive.
The insurance regulators in your chosen domicile will require that you enlist a team of specialists to provide the expertise needed to help develop a long-term plan which includes initial implementation and ongoing management of your captive insurance company. We have found that by developing a Best-in-Class team approach, your captive insurance company will benefit from retaining the services of several different independent service providers including captive manager, legal counsel, investment advisor and independent actuary. The mission of this team is to work with you, and your advisors on a turn-key basis to assure compliance with the regulatory provisions of your chosen domicile as well as legal, operational, and reporting responsibilities for your captive insurance company.
Establishing the business plan and investment plan for your captive is an integral component for achieving successful and predictable results. Oxford will recommend best practices for your advisors to follow, and will discuss the prudence of various investment plan alternatives available to your captive.